Framework for Optimizing Team Level Value Attempts Value Checkpoint
Chaos Check Review Weekend Health Metrics
Traction CheckReview Weekly User Metrics
If Value Gained Push to production. Solution Checkpoint
Teams Votes on Cycle Type: Chaos, Conception, or Creation
Team also decides if solution has a critical mass of value based on traction check and chaos check 
If solution at critical mass of value, switch to Value Packing
If solution still lacking critical mass of value, Continue Value Banking. Daily 3 Question Stand-Up:               What’s Changed?                What did you Discover?                What’s Next Value Attempt?   . DevOps Day
Determine weekend test objectives
Gather the week’s change
Setup and run automated experiments
Assumes code will be instrumented to collect results for Monday’s Value Checkpoint Discovery Meeting. Value Scrum Framework. ©2020 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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