The consequences are ignoring the Theory of Relevance are career ending Truth #2 – Ignoring The Theory of Relevance . Lack of connection to change stream and aptitude leads to management in abstraction from context, and subversion of the role of Software Leadership
When an organization ignores the Theory of Relevance what happens?
Setting Bad Expectation which lead to over-driving the change engine
Bad at Shopping Opportunities having a sustainable ROI
Teams are Fractured by competing big pictures
Decrees causing organizational thrashing
Decisions are made in Abstraction
Doing and Compliance are mistaken as Relevance
In the end: rule and process supplants Aptitude!
. When Ignored:	Relevance = (Context + (∆ Change * Connectedness)) * Aptitude . ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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