Deriving a functional model of software management via Reductio ad Absurdum What are we Managing – Reductio ad Absurdum. If the work of software product / service creation were reduced down to one person, what would that job look like?  Zooming-in, that one person would do the following creative activities:
Conceive of a product and/or service, and features
Create the product and/or service and features
Characterize quality, user experience, and acceptance
There’s also some customer engagement andimplementation activities:
Packaging of the solution and sales/delivery materials
Socialize the product or service (Marketing and Sales)
Deliver and/or install the product or service
And there’s some financial activities: Ideally, you would get paid (funding/billing/collections) and make a sustainable profit over a period. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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