Using broken Functional Model to illustrate weak conception, date-driven creation, and deferred, serialized characterization The reason why this picture might seem familiar is that the Pressures which form this mess are endemic to traditionally managed companies:
The importance of rushing to coding (aka. Development) is elevated over: discovery of product/market fit; and, discovery of quality and user experience (aka. Research)
Implementation management is incorrectly being applied to creative activities as if pressurizing commitments by setting dates and rushing to market will result somehow in speeding superior product/market fit or discovery of epic user experience
Discovery activities are not being facilitated by the platform or culture; but in R&D, R is actually more important than D:
    Epic ≈ Learning
. Diagram of a Classically Broken Change Engine. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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