Case study of flawed conception due to requirements synthesis (slide 2 of 2) What are some the short comings in the PO MIA example?
Product Owner appeared to be disengaged
Product Owner might have been preoccupied with other matters
Team seemed to go it alone until end
Team is synthesizing requirements apart from the market
Getting done quickly appeared to be the Team’s measure for success
The team lacked understanding of good vs bad conception. Conception Discussion – PO MIA Case Study. The “Make it like except” pattern implies that the team has to fill in the gaps by themselves, apart from leadership, and without access to the market
Conception is a shared activity, and in order to scale correctly, it can’t be gated by one expert who is busy!. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Cooperatively. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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