Increase customer engagement by reliably fulfilling D-Needs! Truth #5 – Engagement: Fulfilling D-Needs in your Products! . ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. 
. Maslow’s Motivational Framework can also be applied to create more engaging and higher valued products and services. Step 1: identify and fulfill one or more D-Needs.
ΣD-Needs Fulfillment: In addition to meeting business needs, products or services that reliably meet one-or-more D-Needs will drive much higher levels of reoccurring customer engagements. is a great example of D-Needs fulfillment:. Amazon meets Physical Needs by reliably delivering the stuff (consumer goods) we need for daily living.  Amazon does such a great job fulfilling physical needs that customers are buying more- -and-more of what they need, each-and-every year, from Amazon.  Subsequently, Amazon is now experiencing exponential growth! 
In addition, Amazon meets Psychological Needs by offering online, streaming entertainment content, and Amazon meets Safety Needs by providing a secure computing platform! . To increase reoccurring customer engagement, identify one or more D-Needs that you products and services can help meet and then reliably fulfill those needs!. Engagement  =  ΣD-Needs Fulfillment  X  Progression Toward Actualization. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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