The Effects of Social Occasions on Infection Rates of COVID-19 Study of COVID-19 Infection Rates in OC Post Easter Weekend. Graph documents reported COVID-19 cases in Orange County, California
Understanding the Graph:
The Red Trend Line represents the 7-day moving average for reported COVID-19 cases in OC, CA
The spikes in graphed blue dots are the actual reported cases of COVID-19 in Orange County
The smooth curve on right of graph represents the predicted cases based on prevailing daily infection rates for Orange County, CA. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Analysis:
The prevailing daily infection rate for OC increased from 0.95 to 1.10 over Easter Weekend
Social Distancing measures can result in lowing case rates due to daily infection rates dropping below 1.0; however, rates above 1.0 result in the resumption of outbreak
Controlling the outbreak is almost entirely the result of individual efforts to observe social distancing and hygiene measures, failing to observe measures results in resumption of outbreak. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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