Teams and Companies face differing challenges and require different managerial prescriptions Keep an Eye-Out for Improvements. What’s prescriptive for one company or one team is not necessarily prescriptive for another company or team.  For example: some teams are lacking in value conception and definition; others might have a tougher time finishing their products; some may struggle scaling their product or service; and, others might be obsessed with project execution over product execution.
. When reviewing the material, it’s helpful to think in terms of:
What applies to my current corporate context and situation?
What applies to my current team(s) or projects?
What applies to my future career, opportunities, teams and businesses?
Applying method’s and practices in the wrong context and situation is not helpful.
Understanding with clarity the future of your teams and your career is very helpful!. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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