Take-aways from Taylorism as a Management System Taylor worked his way up from the bottom.  Because he had exposure, education and aptitude for the work, he became a subject matter expert with work domain knowledge of what needs to be done, how best to do it and when to do it.
Taylor’s system of mill governance was created by applying the scientific method in a comparative series of time-motion studies to discover and document best practices which increase sustainability of production quantities while reducing slack time. 
Taylor’s system centered on selecting staff based on aptitude for needed work and then training and developing the staff on best practices for the given work domain.
Gantt’s analysis showed that aligning the motivations of management to workers’ goals was a critical success factor in boosting the systems’ overall effectiveness. 
Taylor and Gantt used comparative analysis of outcomes to quantify systemic improvements due to the implementation of their management system.  The data indicates as much as a 3X improvement over the baseline, proving that management systems which discover, train and align to the type of work can have great results.
. Dimension #1 – Observations of Taylorism as a System. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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