Understanding the elements of an effective management system Management Systems are comprised of the following common properties:
Governance -> subordination of <resource> that is being governed, just say’n.
Knowledge -> management expertise as to what needs to be done with that <resource>, how to do it best, and understanding of timing of when to do it!
Work Domain -> derived from the nature of the <resource> being managed
Development -> <resource> is expected to be developed and utilized with care
Organized -> system of division of labor and practices; chaos is lack of system
Sustainable -> use of incentives and motivation to form a sustainable system
Good Management Systems are organizational models that govern, conserve, exploit/utilize and develop a <type of resource> in a sustainable fashion.
People Management Systems must include sustainable workflows, motivations, and incentives that align with the nature of the work being managed.
People systems must also include a fair division of labor.  It is natural for the staff to focus on advancing the details of the work and management the big picture. . Dimension #1 – Elements of a Management System. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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