Historical case study that birthed traditional management In 1874, Frederick Taylor opted to forego Harvard law to pursue a four-year machinist apprenticeship, then machine laborer, eventually working his way up to Chief Engineer and Forman at Midvale Steel. Taylor had a hypersensitivity to slack time – periods when workers or machines were inactive.  The problem was three-fold: 
Bad Motivation – workers got paid a small daily fee without respect to productivity, even when the equipment wasn’t working; 
Bad Work Practices – each man did his job as he felt best without respect to the effectiveness and needfulness of motion; 
Bad Management Practices – factories tended to be governed by friends of the elite who never did any of the actual work.
Armed with an ME degree from Stevens University, the Scientific Method, and a stop-watch that measured 100th of a second, Taylor began waging war against slack time, systemizing mill workflows, and hiring another Steven’s alumni, Henry Gantt, to assist in the work. Dimension #1 – Implementation Management Systems. Fredrick Taylor . ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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