Example of a Creative Management System Development work and Management work are divided fairly by focus:
Management – responsible for the big picture, aware of the details
Development – responsible for the details, aware of the big picture
It’s a partnership:
Management & Development work together to: continuously discover value
Examples of Management’s and Staff’s work in a Creative System include:. Dimension #1 – Example of a Creative Management System. 1. Pursuing:
Sustainable Market Opportunities. 4. Leveraging Strategies of:
Continuous Value Discovery
Strong Product Execution
Statistical Chaos Detection
Sharing: Spoils of War. 2. Building:
Trusted: Engineers . 3. Pipelining:
Creating Trusted Products & Services
Building Trusted: Platform & Pipeline. Management Focuses on #1 and building #2; Staff builds #3; and, both share #4. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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