Creative systems manage innovation by facilitate journeys of discovering in pursuit of value Creative Systems are designed to: manage <innovation>, change, and shared creation.  
Discovery is at the heart of innovation.  Discovery is the act of creating, trying, and learning something new, a creative opportunity to discover something of value.
Creative leaders best facilitate innovation via a five-part journey of value discovery:
Shared Journey of Conception – together, envisioning a solution to un-met needs
Shared Discovery of a Solution – together, iteratively creating envisioned solution
Shared Characterization – together, eliminating chaos, bad ingredients and friction
Shared Journey of Traction – finding viral adoption means leading to natural growth
Journey of Monetization – finding a way to pay for more creative opportunities
If your ‘creative management system’ isn’t trying new things and learning from those experiences: perhaps its products have reached maturity; or, your system has been designed to address known problems with slight improvements or customizations. Dimension #1 – Creative Management Systems Intro. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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Our Funding model is to: provide certification and live training services as desired and requested by our community. We do this so that our staff can buy pop tarts, pay their bills, and produce more career boosting content, research and tools.

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