Drivers and motivation factors of the three prevailing management systems Martin Fowler aptly identifies Scientific Management as the root of plan driven work.  Throughout his commentary, Martin implicitly rejects the application and governance of implementation management over the work of Agile software developers.
Martin eloquently nails the difference in the nature of work: that implementation work is plan driven; that Agile [a discovery approach to creating software] is adaptive.
Martin clarifies that: autonomous teams that do the work, [not implementation management & standard process], know best how to do the work [of software development]  
In his rejection of the rule of implementation management, Martin doesn’t appear to be saying that management isn’t needed – it’s more like, management needs to stop imposing a plan-driven system onto work that is fundamentally adaptive and people/interactions driven.  
However, Agile Practices do not amount to a creative management system as they lack management system properties (i.e. development of staff, governance, motivation, etc.):
Who trains autonomous teams, and when is a team ready to be granted autonomy?
Who governs, who determines when a team is out of control, and who fixes that?
Who motivates/inspires the team, who designs and awards appropriate incentives?
Hence, to the frustration of many Agile Founders, implementation management often awkwardly fills the void of having no creative management system in many companies. Dimension #1 – Conclusions of Agile v. Plan-Driven. ©2018 iiSM.ORG, All Rights Reserved. Click slide to see in context of slide deck
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